
Development Framework

Structure Classes

Page Wrapper
Main Wrapper
Padding Horizontal Global
Padding Vertical 3rem
Padding Vertical 5rem
Padding Vertical 8rem
Container 1440px
Container 1120px
Container 928px

Layout Grid Classes

General starting point grid layout classes

Grid 1 Column
Grid 2 Column
Grid 3 Column
Grid 4 Column


Unified spacer system for vertical spacing.

Spacer 0.5rem
Spacer 1rem
Spacer 1.5rem
Spacer 2rem
Spacer 2.5rem
Spacer 3rem
Spacer 3.5rem
Spacer 4rem
Spacer 4.5rem
Spacer 5rem


Utility spacing system - margin classes. [Margin Direction] + [Margin Size].

Direction Classes

Margin Bottom
Margin Top
Margin Vertical
Margin Horizontal
Margin Left
Margin Right

Size Classes

Margin 0
Margin 0.5rem
Margin 0.75rem
Margin 1rem
Margin 1.5rem
Margin 2rem
Margin 2.5rem
Margin 3rem
Margin 3.5rem
Margin 4rem
Margin 4.5rem
Margin 5rem


Utility spacing system - padding classes. [Padding Direction] + [Padding Size].

Direction Classes

Padding Bottom
Padding Top
Padding Vertical
Padding Horizontal
Padding Left
Padding Right

Size Classes

Padding 0
Padding 0.5rem
Padding 0.75rem
Padding 1rem
Padding 1.5rem
Padding 2rem
Padding 2.5rem
Padding 3rem
Padding 3.5rem
Padding 4rem
Padding 4.5rem
Padding 5rem


General Color Classes

Background Colors

Background Primary 1
Background Primary 2
Background Primary 3
Background Secondary 1
Background Secondary 2
Background Neutral 1
Background Neutral 2
Background Neutral 3
Background Neutral 4
Background Neutral 5
Background Neutral 6
Background Neutral 7
Background Neutral 8
Background Neutral 9
Background Neutral 0
Background Black
Gradient Primary

Text Colors

Text Primary 1
Text Primary 1
Text Primary 2
Text Primary 2
Text Primary 3
Text Primary 3
Text Secondary 1
Text Secondary 1
Text Secondary 1
Text Primary 2
Text Neutral 1
Text Neutral 1
Text Neutral 2
Text Neutral 2
Text Neutral 3
Text Neutral 3
Text Neutral 4
Text Neutral 4
Text Neutral 5
Text Neutral 5
Text Neutral 6
Text Neutral 6
Text Neutral 7
Text Neutral 7
Text Neutral 8
Text Neutral 8
Text Neutral 9
Text Neutral 9
Text Neutral 0
Text Neutral 0
Text Black
Text Black


General Heading Classes


Empowering your success in the tech industry

Heading Style H1

Empowering your success in the tech industry


Empowering your success in the tech industry

Heading Style H2

Empowering your success in the tech industry


Empowering your success in the tech industry

Heading Style H3

Empowering your success in the tech industry


Empowering your success in the tech industry

Heading Style H4

Empowering your success in the tech industry

Empowering your success in the tech industry
Heading Style H5
Empowering your success in the tech industry
Empowering your success in the tech industry
Heading Style H6
Empowering your success in the tech industry

Other HTML Tags

HTML tags define default text styles.

All Paragraphs

Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present. Sample text helps you understand how real text may look on your website. Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text.

All links
All Links
All Quotes
Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present. Sample text helps you understand how real text may look on your website.
All Ordered Lists
  1. Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.
  2. Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.
  3. Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.
All Unordered Lists
  • Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.
  • Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.
  • Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.

Text Classes

Text classes when typography style doesn't match the default HTML tag.

Theme Heading Classes

Display XXL

Empowering your success in the tech industry

Display XL

Empowering your success in the tech industry

Heading L

Empowering your success in the tech industry

Heading M

Empowering your success in the tech industry

Heading S

Empowering your success in the tech industry

Heading XS

Empowering your success in the tech industry

Heading XXS

Empowering your success in the tech industry

Theme Text Classes

Body XL

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et cursus orci. Suspendisse potenti.

Body L

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et cursus orci. Suspendisse potenti.

Body M

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et cursus orci. Suspendisse potenti.

Body S

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et cursus orci. Suspendisse potenti.

Body XS

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam et cursus orci. Suspendisse potenti.


Your tech partner


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.”


Learn more


Learn more

Bullet List
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

General Text Styles

Text Strikethrough

Text Strikethrough

Text Italic

Text Italic

Text Muted

Text Muted

Text All Caps

Text All Caps

Text Nowrap

Text Nowrap

General Text Weights

Text Weight 800
Text Weight 800
Text Weight 700
Text Weight 700
Text Weight 600
Text Weight 600
Text Weight 500
Text Weight 500
Text Weight 400
Text Weight 400
Text Weight 300
Text Weight 300

Text Alignment

Text Align Left
Text Align Left
Text Align Center
Text Align Center
Text Align Right
Text Align Right

Image Classes

Image 4x3
Image 16x9
Image 21x9
Image Avatar
Avatar Image 1
Image BG Cover


Button class system.

Button Primary
Join the waitlist
Button Primary (Hovered)
Join the waitlist
Button Primary (Active)
Join the waitlist
Button Primary White
Join the waitlist
Button Primary White (Hovered)
Join the waitlist
Button Primary White (Active)
Join the waitlist
Button Secondary
Learn more
Button Secondary (Hovered)
Learn more
Button Secondary (Active)
Learn more
Button Secondary White
Learn more
Button Secondary White (Hovered)
Learn more
Button Secondary White (Active)
Learn more
Arrow Link
Arrow Link (Hovered)
Arrow Link (Active)


Dropshadow 1
Dropshadow 2
Dropshadow Purple

Colored Icons

Use the Icon class with SVG embed - if SVG does not contain set fill color, use variable-based colors to set  SVG color:
Icon Primary 1, Icon Primary 2, Icon Secondary 1, Icon Secondary 2, Icon Neutral 0 - 9 and Icon Black

Icon | Icon [Variable Name]

Icons with Background Colors

Use the Icon BG class with SVG embed - if SVG does not contain set background colour, use variable-based colors to set  background color:
Icon BG Primary 1, Icon BG Primary 2, Icon BG Secondary 1, Icon BG Secondary 2, Icon BG Neutral 0 - 9 and Icon BG Black
Can be used in conjunction with SVG containing set fill colors.

Icon BG | Icon BG [Variable Name]

Featured Icons

Use the Icon Featured class with an SVG embed to show the stylized gradient border.

Icon Featured

Using SVG Images - must be wrapped in element with class "Icon Featured"

Using SVG Embeds - can use class "Icon Featured" directly on embed.

Social Media Icons

Use the Icon Social class with an SVG embed for stylized social icons.

Icon Social

Webflow Elements

Form Component

Example of a form component.

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.
Rich Text Content

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Sample text with a link is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present. Sample text helps you understand how real text may look on your website. Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text. Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text. Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text.

  • Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.
  • Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.
  • Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.
  1. Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.
  2. Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.
  3. Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.
Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present. Sample text helps you understand how real text may look on your website. Sample text is being used as a placeholder for real text that is normally present.

Utility Classes

This element is hidden
Hide Tablet
Hide Mobile Portrait
Hide Mobile Landscape
Overflow Visible
Overflow Hidden
Overflow Auto
Overflow Scroll